Polymathic Group


How many times have you suddenly had an urgent request to provide information that was available in your files, but you had no program to retrieve the data? You must spend time writing a special report program to print the information that has been requested. Then you must spend more time formatting the report so that it will be professional in appearance, and not look like a rushed job. By the time you are finished, you could spend several days on this program.

Or, how many times have you wanted a new report that had not been programmed into the system?

Polymathic now has a product that can offer a solution to all of the above problems. The Polymathic Query and Report Writer product will allow you to perform on-line, interactive queries into your data files, retrieving whatever information has been requested, with various conditions, performing calculations and totals along the way. You can also generate batch type procedures that can be recalled at any time to generate reports. These procedures can be generated very quickly, thus saving you time and money.

But that is not all. Based on advanced artificial intelligence concepts, Polymathic Query and Report Writer combines the following modules into one easy-to-install, cost-effective package:

With Polymathic Query and Report Writer you can increase your productivity dramatically. Polymathic Query and Report Writer can literally reduce your report-producing time from days to minutes with a corresponding increase in productivity.

Polymathic Query and Report Writer can effect your overall costs in several ways.

It will significantly reduce the time required to handle your report programming requirements.

It will cut your ongoing technical support costs because it is extraordinarily logical and simple to use.

Polymathic Query and Report Writer utilizes reasoning based menu pop-ups and an intuitive visual interface, so even novices can produce the most complex reports and graphs, regardless of the file relationships or the indexing method in use. The menu-driven format eliminates endless keystrokes and assures error-free queries.

It is extremely versatile. It can merge information from an unlimited number of files and select, sort, and perform calculations on any fields in those files. Polymathic Query and Report Writer can move data directly into mail merge or Excel spreadsheets, transporting only the information you want, sorted the way you want it, with no complex import or export procedures. It can create properly scaled bar graphs in very little time. And it produces simple columnar reports in a few keystrokes - sophisticated reports in minutes instead of hours.